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margin call

The investment fraudster’s roadmap: 5 tricks a boiler room uses to defraud customers

How do you know if you have fallen into the nets of an investment fraudster, an online scam or an untrustworthy CFD broker? All these scams work according to the same playbook; step by step, the investor, who is actually a prey, is lured into the trap. Phase 1: the positive phase In the first stage, the investment fraudster does not show his true face, but presents himself as friendly and helpful as possible. He [...]

Margin calls and swaps in CFDs (contracts for differences)

Those who start investing through a CFD broker often face "margin calls," or obligations to add money, which increase the risks of this form of investing. Margin calls and swaps (charges over holding positions) can cause these investments to evaporate. What are CFDs? Contracts for Differences are not stocks but derivative, indirect investment products. The investor and the counterparty enter into a temporary contract speculating on a price decline or conversely a price increase in [...]

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