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investment fraud

The investment fraudster’s roadmap: 5 tricks a boiler room uses to defraud customers

How do you know if you have fallen into the nets of an investment fraudster, an online scam or an untrustworthy CFD broker? All these scams work according to the same playbook; step by step, the investor, who is actually a prey, is lured into the trap. Phase 1: the positive phase In the first stage, the investment fraudster does not show his true face, but presents himself as friendly and helpful as possible. He [...]

Margin calls and swaps in CFDs (contracts for differences)

Those who start investing through a CFD broker often face "margin calls," or obligations to add money, which increase the risks of this form of investing. Margin calls and swaps (charges over holding positions) can cause these investments to evaporate. What are CFDs? Contracts for Differences are not stocks but derivative, indirect investment products. The investor and the counterparty enter into a temporary contract speculating on a price decline or conversely a price increase in [...]

Fraud and scams with a Dutch bank account, what to do?

International fraud with fake websites, billing fraud, investment fraud and other scams where fraudsters elicit payment on an incorrect bank account number with victims living in other countries is unfortunately common. Our firm has handled dozens of such cases in recent years. In this blog, for victims who do not live in the Netherlands, we describe the options for recovering money if a Dutch bank account number is involved in the fraud. What types of [...]

Increase in fraud via Anydesk and cryptocurrency wallets

Our firm is seeing a sharp increase in fraud using "screen sharing software" from Anydesk, Teamviewer and Screenleap and cryptowallets used to siphon off money. investment fraud This is a new form of investment fraud, which begins with arousing interest in complex investments (Forex, CFDs or cryptocurrencies). The criminal organization uses an investment website where the duped person creates an account. In reality, this is a boiler room; in fact, there are no real investments [...]

Counter-procedures CFD brokers stranded

A counter-offensive by the providers of CFD products has been halted. The judge in Cyprus refuses permission to take Dutch consumers to court. fake ads These are providers of contracts for difference (CFDs) from Cyprus who sell these investment products through fake advertisements about bitcoins and famous people. Last year, several Dutch courts declared themselves competent to hear cases against these parties. The stake is now more than € 8,000,000. Which judge? The CFD brokers [...]

Developments in the lawsuits against the CFD brokers from Cyprus

Lawsuits are pending in various Dutch courts against sellers of CFDs (contracts for difference) from Cyprus. Victims have lost a lot of money, with peaks of up to 800,000 euros. Most victims say they ended up at the CFD brokers through a fake advertisement with a well-known Dutch person. What are the developments in these lawsuits?

Paying investments with bitcoins?

Pay with bitcoins? Then it could be fraud. We are seeing a strong increase in fraud with investment products via cryptocurrencies at our office. If an "investment firm" asks you to pay "investment" via bitcoins, which you must first purchase via a "wallet" at a (reliable) company, realize that fraudsters have their reasons for not getting paid via the bank . Anonymously Payments with cryptocurrencies can be transferred more anonymously and faster to a wallet [...]

How to recognize investment fraud

Suppose you are called to start investing and it seems like something to you. You look at the website and it looks good. You can start with a low amount and your investments will go well. You get a call again, and you're tempted to make some more. But you still have doubts, because the company is abroad and you wonder if it isn't too good to be true. How do you recognize whether you may be dealing with a "boiler room"? In this article we give 9 tips on how to spot an unreliable investment website. Investment fraud is common. It happens to both novice investors and experienced investors who embark on an adventure with CFDs (contracts for difference) and Forex products. These are our tips!

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