Your lawyer in Amsterdam! For inheritance law, damage and liability, fraud, family law, investment fraud, employment law and banking law.

Unlawful Act

Information for victims of BUNQ bank fraud

This page is intended as a blog with the latest information for victims of Bunq bank account fraud. The latest news can be found at the top. Watch here the broadcast of Kassa about fraud at Bunq Listen here to the podcast "The robbed customers of Bunq" of NOSJune 14: Bunq's new security measuresMeanwhile, the new package of measures introduced by Bunq to control the frauds is known in more detail. An overview can be [...]

Margin calls and swaps in CFDs (contracts for differences)

Those who start investing through a CFD broker often face "margin calls," or obligations to add money, which increase the risks of this form of investing. Margin calls and swaps (charges over holding positions) can cause these investments to evaporate. What are CFDs? Contracts for Differences are not stocks but derivative, indirect investment products. The investor and the counterparty enter into a temporary contract speculating on a price decline or conversely a price increase in [...]

Fraud and scams with a Dutch bank account, what to do?

International fraud with fake websites, billing fraud, investment fraud and other scams where fraudsters elicit payment on an incorrect bank account number with victims living in other countries is unfortunately common. Our firm has handled dozens of such cases in recent years. In this blog, for victims who do not live in the Netherlands, we describe the options for recovering money if a Dutch bank account number is involved in the fraud. What types of [...]

Increase in fraud via Anydesk and cryptocurrency wallets

Our firm is seeing a sharp increase in fraud using "screen sharing software" from Anydesk, Teamviewer and Screenleap and cryptowallets used to siphon off money. investment fraud This is a new form of investment fraud, which begins with arousing interest in complex investments (Forex, CFDs or cryptocurrencies). The criminal organization uses an investment website where the duped person creates an account. In reality, this is a boiler room; in fact, there are no real investments [...]

What is a boiler room?

A boiler room is a criminal organization that extorts money from people through fake investments. Boilerrooms disappear after a while and the loot is often hard to find after that. Method There is not one typical method for this criminal activity. Many boiler rooms approach their victims by telephone and persuade them to invest via a website. This website can give access to a (fake) account where the victim is led to believe that his [...]

Does a bank have a duty of care towards third parties?

When you think of a duty of care of banks, you think in the first place of the customers. But the duty of care can also relate to third parties. For example, a customer of the bank can be a swindler, who uses the checking account to receive deposits from victims, after which that money is funneled away. Can you sue the bank for the damage? Is the bank expected to monitor suspicious transactions from its own customers to protect non-customer third parties?

Can the neighbor build on his garden?

A sunny garden in the city is enjoyable. Others prefer more living space: they want to build up their garden. That's bad,news for the neighbor who prefers sunlight and daylight. Is such an extension unlawful and can you stop the construction through the courts? How will the courts decide, what is the role of the zoning plan, and does the architectural value of the building complex count?

2022-08-19T11:41:57+01:0014 February 2018|Unlawful Act|

Tackling a scammer (part 2): compensation

We have received many positive responses to our article on tackling scammers dated April 2, 2016. Most of the responses came from people who have been victims of a scammer. We also received many questions about the legal means that a lawyer can use to recover the damage from a scammer. The article was about tackling scammers through civil courts. Words like “fraud” and “fraud” are not in the Civil Code. So what are the tools we use to recover money from a scammer in a lawsuit? In this article we give a look into our kitchen. This is how we work if we summon a scammer and arrange compensation for you.

2022-08-19T11:51:42+01:0012 May 2016|Fraud & Deception, How To, Unlawful Act|

Scammed. How do you deal with a scammer?

It is always advisable to report the scammer. Scams just don't have the highest priority. Violent cases, murder and burglary often receive more attention. Moreover, investigative work in fraud and fraud cases takes a lot of manpower and time; scammers often work smart. So you should not have too high expectations of detecting and prosecuting scammers. Moreover, and that is what this article is about, recovering the embezzled money or claiming damages is not the job of the police. You need to see a lawyer for that.

2022-08-19T11:53:51+01:002 April 2016|Fraud & Deception, How To, Unlawful Act|
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