Your lawyer in Amsterdam! For inheritance law, damage and liability, fraud, family law, investment fraud, employment law and banking law.


Fraud and scams with a Dutch bank account, what to do?

International fraud with fake websites, billing fraud, investment fraud and other scams where fraudsters elicit payment on an incorrect bank account number with victims living in other countries is unfortunately common. Our firm has handled dozens of such cases in recent years. In this blog, for victims who do not live in the Netherlands, we describe the options for recovering money if a Dutch bank account number is involved in the fraud. What types of [...]

Does a bank have a duty of care towards third parties?

When you think of a duty of care of banks, you think in the first place of the customers. But the duty of care can also relate to third parties. For example, a customer of the bank can be a swindler, who uses the checking account to receive deposits from victims, after which that money is funneled away. Can you sue the bank for the damage? Is the bank expected to monitor suspicious transactions from its own customers to protect non-customer third parties?

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